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One of the most stressful events you’ll endure is experiencing water damage in your West Caldwell, New Jersey home.
This post will outline three critical items every property owner should know.


The source of the water leak is of importance. We will salvage and dry contents if you have a freshwater line break.
If the water source is from a drain line, toilet overflow, or sewage line, that is a VERY different scenario.
Precaution in handling this type of water damage is essential.
Tip: If unsure of the source of the water, wear gloves, boots, and a mask (N95 or better). Do NOT walk into other unaffected areas of the home, or cross-contamination will occur.


The time from the water damage event to the cleanup is significant. The longer the water is not addressed, the mold & bacterial growth potential increase.
In the correct environment, mold can grow within 24-48 hours in places you can and cannot see.
Tip: If you decide to open a claim, your insurance policy may require that the water damage be mitigated promptly.
Always check your insurance coverage, or consult your insurance professional to see what your policy will pay for and what your rights are.

Clean up:

Many homeowners will attempt to clean up water to limit the impact, but water will hide.
Water takes the path of least resistance and will settle into places you may or may not have the tools to inspect.
Examples would be subfloors, sill plates, adjoining rooms, etc.
Calling a professional water damage restoration company to inspect the home can save you thousands of dollars. Therefore, addressing possible health concerns. It’s worth the peace of mind.

Bonus Tip:

If you experience a water damage event, hire a water damage restoration company that you know, like, and trust. Seek personal referrals.
Hire a company that uses cutting-edge technology with transparent data for you to understand. If you see a spreadsheet with “data,” that’s a red flag.
Moisture Meter detecting water under the ceramic tile

Dry to the touch, wet underneath the ceramic tile.


Thermal imaging camera after you experience a water damage event

Thermal imaging camera showing areas of concern with water damage.

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